Children’s Ministry Reopening Guidelines
Children’s Facility:
Children’s Ministry Workers:
Child Check-in:
- Classroom and contents (toys, games, surfaces, chairs….etc) will be sanitized prior to each service by our maintenance staff and after each service by our Children’s Ministry workers.
Children’s Ministry Workers:
- Workers should stay home if they display any flu-like symptoms, have had diarrhea, vomiting, or fever in the last 72 hours, a consistent cough, and/or colored mucus.
- Workers working with children ages 3+ are required to wear a mask.
- During class time children’s ministry workers are required to follow the following hand washing procedures.
- Before and after toileting or assisting a child with toileting
- After contact with bodily fluids or cleaning up spills or objects contaminated with bodily fluids, and wherever it touches your body.
- Before and after preparing any food or drinks.
- Before and after eating, handling food, or feeding a child.
- After assisting a child with hand washing (or sanitizer).
- Children’s ministry workers will give each child, ages 3-K, a personal supply packet each service with contents for that service (Crayons, coloring pages…etc) only used by that child.
- Teachers are not required to wear a mask while teaching.
- During class time, children’s ministry workers, working in the nursery are required to wear a facial shield in place of a mask. Additionally, nursery workers are required to wash their hands before and after each diaper change or pull up change.
- Workers are required to wear gloves while serving snacks and/or drinks to children as well as handing out supply packets.
Child Check-in:
- Children ages 10 and younger are not required to wear a mask or facial shield. (Medical professionals agree that the lungs of children under 10 years of age are typically not strong enough to generate large droplets to spread the diseases. Additionally, a mask is also not effective if a child is routinely touching it.)
- All Ministry workers, children, and parents of children entering the children’s facility will be required to have their temperature taken before entering. Children or workers with a temperature of 100.4 or above will not be admitted. Temperatures can be taken on either the forehead or wrist.
- Children, and parents will be required to apply hand sanitizer before entering the children’s ministry area.