of people under the age of 40 are serving in high-level leadership positions in church communities across the nation.
Many young people feel the passion and call to serve God with their lives... but don't know where to begin.
What if You had the opportunity to...
Get Experience
...like working 12 hours a week receiving hands on ministry experience in a church that manages 350+ attendees each week.
Get Mentored
...like working 1 on 1 in ministry with someone who has years of experience in areas like Children, Student, or Media Ministry.
Get Equipped
...like receiving a foundation of both practical, study and discussion style training in leadership and theology, sitting under a pastoral staff with nearly 40 years of experience.
Here's the bottom line
Your generation needs you to answer the call.
...and here's a way to begin
When God wants to move, he raises up someone like YOU.