We strive to live our lives as part of a community that values Prayer, the Bible, Generosity and love for both God and people.

Prayer is Our Priority

Prayer is our way of connecting with God. If Jesus made prayer a priority, so will we.

The Church is Our Home

We don't want anyone to feel alone, celebrate alone, or face difficulty alone. We are in this together.

God's Word is Our Standard

People change, cultures change, and opinions change, but the Word of God never changes.

All People and All Ages

At the table of God, there is a seat set for every person of every age and every ethnicity, and because every person is important to Him, every person is important to us.

We Live Generously

We live our life with an open hand saying, "God, whenever, wherever" knowing that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

A Church Without Walls

We desire to show the love of Jesus to our city through acts of service. We will do our part as the local Church because Christ's Church exists to bring hope to the world.