Generations Spring Sponsor Campaign!

Below are two opportunities to get involved in seeing kids have a fun, and exciting experience during their time at church!

OPPORTUNITY 1 (FINANCIAL SUPPORT): Pre-school and Kindergarten Play Room

This year, we have allocated a new play space for kids in pre-school and kindergarten.  This play space will allow these younger children to have an outlet where they can burn off some energy before, and after their Sunday lesson time! Additionally, this space allows our teachers to release the kids to have fun in an open, and controlled environment. Though we have a few items,  this play space could use some help! Below are two items we would like to purchase for this room.
How to Participate: To make a full or partial contribution toward these items visit Victory's Giving Page by clicking HERE. Be sure to select "Generations Spring Sponsor Campaign" in the drop down of the giving page to specify your gift for these items.
Deadline: All contributions must be made by Sunday, April 3, 2022.



OPPORTUNITY 2 (MATERIAL SUPPORT): Mini-Chocolate Easter Candy for Easter Eggs

Easter is coming! And this year, we are hosting our annual Easter Egg Hunt for Kids Church! This event is one of our kids favorites, and involves over 3,000 eggs! Here is an opportunity to participate by dropping off Mini-chocolate Easter Candy, small enough to fit inside plastic Easter Eggs. 
How to Participate: Items may be dropped off in Victory's Concourse. As you enter, look for the tub labeled "Easter Candy Drop Off" located on your left.
Deadline: All items must be dropped off by Sunday, April 3, 2022.

Thank you for your Sponsorship, and desire to see the next generation reached for Jesus!