Univeral Rules

  • 6 DART RULE: All participants must begin the game with no more than 6 darts. (In order to reload, the player must either grab darts that have been previously shot, or go to the reloading zone.
  • RELOADING: Players standing in the reloading zone are immune to darts, and may not stand in the reloading zone for more than 5 seconds. A player caught standing in the reloading for more than 5 seconds must empty their gun, return to their starting cone and come back.
  • SIREN: When the siren blows – the game begins.
  • GETTING OUT: A hit anywhere on the body counts as an “out.”
  • THE OUTED ZONE: The person who was outed must go and stand in the outed zone.
  • REFEREES: There will be three referees who will call outs, however, this is also a game of integrity. If you are shot, admit it. If you shot someone else, be honest.

Contract Target

  • HOW TO WIN: Participants are all given a target. All participants start at a cone, different from their target. The goal of the game is to be the last man standing.
  • SPECIAL RULE - PASSING THE TARGET: When a person is “out” they must give their target to the person who outed them. That target is now the target of the player still in the game.

Capture the Flag

  • HOW TO WIN: Participants are divided into two teams of 8. Each team begins in their designated start zone. There are two ways to win.
  • 1. When a player from a team captures the opposing team’s flag and brings it back to their base, that team automatically wins.
  • 2. If all players on a team are eliminated, the opposing team wins.

President's Game

  • HOW TO WIN: Participants are divided into two teams of 8. Each team begins in their designated start zone.
  • Team 1: The Secret Service. (The secret service wins when they successfully move the president from their starting zone to the presidential safe zone, without he/she being outed).
  • Team 2: The assassins. (The assassins win when they out the president.)

Team Take Down

  • HOW TO WIN: Participants are divided into two teams of 8. Each team begins in their designated start zone. The goal of the game is to out all members of the opposing team.
  • SPECIAL RULE – THE MEDIC: In this game each team has one member acting as a Medic. A Medic’s job is to touch a player who has been outed in the outed zone to bring that player back into the game. Once a Medic is shot they cannot be reinserted into the present game. The medic may not possess a gun at any time during the game.