Below are some great ministry teams for teenagers, grades 6-12 to get involved at Victory Church. Check them out, and sign your student up for a ministry team by filling out the questionnaire below!
Victory Kids Motions Team
Help to create an exciting worship experience in Victory Kids by joining Victory Kids Motions Team - an on-stage team that performs motions to worship songs for kids to follow along with!

Victory Kids Special Segments Team
Get into drama with this team! An on-call ministry team for those interested in skits and/or puppets performed as part of our Victory Kids Sunday Service experience!

Victory Kids General Store
Victory kids earn BIBLE BUCKS through participation in kids class! Like the prize counter at Chuckee-cheese, the general store is the place where Victory Kids can cash their Bible bucks  in  for some awesome prizes! Volunteer at the General Store as a clerk, collecting Bible Bucks and distributing prizes!

Victory Kids Classroom Assistant (0-2 Years) 
Rock and play with babies and toddlers in a safe, fun environment.

Victory Kids Classroom Assistant (3 - kindergarten) 
Do crafts, color, and assist a Sunday classroom teacher working with pre-school age kids.

Victory Kids Classroom Assistant (Grades 1-5) 
Work with kids alongside an adult teacher as part of Victory Kids Sunday Service experience for elementary age kids!

Rooted Student Desk Host
Help other teenagers checking out Victory to feel welcomed by joining the Student Desk Team - a team of adults and students who man the student information desk in Victory's concourse. Take time to sit with and get to know teenagers new to Victory.

Worship Ministry
Apply for an audition with Victory's worship ministry - a team that leads the worship experience in the Main Auditorium on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights at Rooted, and Sunday mornings with Victory Kids.

Media Team
Tech Nerds unite! Join the media Team and learn how to operate sound, cameras, lighting, and projection as part of Victory's Media Team in our Main Auditorium service, Rooted Wednesday night Service and Victory Kids Sunday Service.

Get Started by filling out this questionnaire!