Dear Student Leader

In 10 years of Student Ministry, I can count on one hand, the number of times that another student ministry leader reached out to me for the purpose of building a relationship, encouragement or collaboration. I can also count on one hand the number of times that I reached out to another youth leader for that purpose as well. In the past year, however, I’ve made connecting with others who serve in student ministry a priority, and here’s the difference that it’s made.

  • I’ve been able to SHARE the challenges of ministry life with those working in the same arena as I am.
  • I’ve both GLEANED and OFFERED up IDEAS to other leaders about how to serve students and the families that they are a part of more effectively.
  • I’ve MADE FRIENDS with other leaders who share my passion for God and ministry – people who I can be open and honest with.
  • By connecting with other student leaders in ministry, I have begun, by example, introducing the students who I serve to the idea that we, God’s people, ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

…that’s what United Night is about. We want to invite you and your student ministry to a night focused on our joint mission – to inspire students to love God and serve their peers this school year.
During this night, we’ll also host a short meet and greet FOR YOU where we will give you a no-pressure opportunity to connect with the community of local student leaders in ministry that we are building.

Here's what the night will consist of:

  • 6:00 pm – Doors Open
    • We’ll be handing out welcome bags at the door! Come on in, and hang out in our youth facility with your group. Your group will be able to play some basketball, 9 square, or relax in our café.
  • 6:20 pm – Student Opener & Leader Meet and Greet.
    • We’ll get things started with a fun opener for your students, while we host a separate meet & greet to meet and connect with you!
  • 6:30 pm - Service begins
    • Join your students back in our Auditorium for an inspiring service featuring worship with a live band, and a message that will provoke your group to love God and serve their peers this school year.
  • 7:45 pm – Outdoor Party!
    • We’ll close the night with an outdoor party including music, food, a bonfire, and FULLSIZE Human Foosball Court.
  • 8:30 pm - Event End

Who should come?

Whether you have a group of students in grades 6-12 grade ranging from 1 student to 100, we want you to come! Take a night off of student ministry at your home church, and allow us to serve your group with United Night.